Let Me Catch You Up

I recently gave out this blog address to a bunch of new people, so in hopes that some of them actually come check out the blog, here is a summary of what is going on without needing go back through the last 20 posts...

I started applying for the Peace Corps 2.5 years ago, and finally received an invitation to serve in Honduras last fall. After increased violence in the country, they cancelled the Honduras program and we all had to get reassigned. I was given the option of Mali or Panama, and after a really rough 36 hours, I picked Panama. I was then placed on Medical Hold for a few months while I got all the correct vaccines needed, and I finally got the email about staging and booked my plane ticket for DC on April 2nd. I am leaving for Panama (via staging in DC) in 8 days, and will be working in rural communities rehabilitating water systems and teaching about water related health issues until July 2014.

Also, I just updated the 'Contact Me' page with my address, so please check it out.

I finished work at the Home Depot last week, am in the midst of some BBQs with my extended family this weekend, and then have one more week left of last minute packing, cleaning, organizing some last minute paperwork, and hanging out with friends. Ready, get set, let's do this!


  1. Congratulations and good luck! I'm guessing you mean May 2nd, since April 2nd has already passed. During my training here in the DR, I have heard WONDERFUL things about the Panama program for Environmental Health, and my program actually uses materials originally developed by Panama. I know you will have an amazing time, and I can't wait to hear all about it. Expect at some point a message for a couchsurfing request - Panama is on my list of places to visit SOON!

    Also, funny note, the day you leave for staging is the same day I visit my final site for the first time to meet my host family and community. I'll be sending happy vibes your way, and I hope to receive a few from you.

    Bueno suerte!

  2. Thank you! Yes, I did mean May 2nd, thanks for catching that. I am so excited to get started, and I would love to host you sometime as well!!! Best of luck with the rest of your training, and yes, I will be sending good vibes to you as well!


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