Final Countdown!

To no one's surprise, 'Final Countdown' has been the ringback tone on my phone all week. It's finally here, and I have a to do list that began last November finally almost all checked off. In the last week I have:

Finished my job at Home Depot; Filed for Loan Deferment; Granted Power of Attorney to my parents; filled out the beneficiary/life insurance paperwork for PC; taken my last 2 tests for my 3rd Spanish class; Gotten a copy of my medical history/immunizations & current prescription from my doctor; convinced my insurance company to allow me to get a 3 month refill of my prescription; Bought the last few items on my list; partied with many MANY amazing people; Packed up almost all but the basics for storage; Created a mountain of things to pack in my duffel bags.

Tonight, I write a 6 page paper on Panamanian art (in Spanish!) to make up for the last few weeks of Spanish Class I am missing. Then, tackle this Environmental Health HW I've been assigned. Tomorrow, I break physics and attempt to put all of my stuff into 3 bags- a large duffel, a small duffel, and a backpack, keeping each under 50 lbs and the entire thing under 100 lbs. I also have a few errands to run (returning a textbook, hopefully go to the gym one more time, and undoubtedly I will have to buy 1-2 more things) and updating my ipod for the adventure.

I also need to install my parents webcam on their computer, send a few emails to people I didn't get to see, and finish up the photo album I'm making to take with. Except I forgot to take my camera to any of my gbye parties and I therefore did not take most of the pics I wanted to. So that might get cut. We'll see.

Deep breaths. I'm so ready for this.


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