The longest 'DAY' of my life...

I did it. As of today, I am now one day closer to my actual leaving than I have ever been before. On December 16th,2011, when my Honduras invitation was cancelled, I was 66 days from departure. Today, on February 25th, I am 65 days from departure. That was the longest 'day' of my life. It was constantly frustrating, like re-writing that thesis paper after your computer crashed. Knowing you had already accomplished this, and that yes, it should be easier this time because of that, but also knowing that there are other things you could have been doing if this hadn't have happened.

But it's over. I'm back 'on track'. I can count the number of weeks left in this country without needing to use my toes. I'm hopeful, and even letting myself get excited again. This might just really happen. That is so awesome.

In the longest 'day' of my life, I was pretty productive too. I earned 5 more paychecks from Home Depot, I finished another Spanish class, I got my Yellow Fever Vaccine and survived with only moderate side effects, I designed Legally Blonde, and I ran a mile in my best time yet: 9 min and 42 sec!

Most importantly, I spent a lot of time with the important people in my life. I know that a few months from now, I will be incredibly grateful for that extra time with them.

I feel like from here on out, life is going to start moving a lot faster!


  1. I understand the feeling - even though I leave tomorrow (eek!) for the Dominican Republic, after what happened with Honduras part of me still thinks something is going to go wrong and I'm not going to go. But we've just gotta keep going and remain positive! Even though I'm sad that I'm not getting to meet all the amazing people who were heading to Honduras, I'm going to have an incredible journey on my own, and you will have the same!


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