10 Best Things About Life Right Now

When it's hard to get through the day-to-day grind, it helps me sit down and force myself to focus on the good things in my life. Listed below are ten of the things I like/love about my life right now that I couldn't say were true when I was in college. (In no particular order.)

1. I like that I can get 8 hours of sleep every night. It takes some advance planning, but I can make that happen regularly without catastrophically messing up my life. And even if I do stay out a little later at the gym, it's rare that I get less than 6 hours.

2. I like having time to make myself food. I can cook and play in the kitchen and make myself food that I genuinely like, that DOES NOT come from a box when I want to, that not only then makes a great dinner for my parents and I that evening, but fuels my lunches for the next several days.

3. I like getting off of work at 3pm. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday this means that I then have 2-3 hours of afternoon time to run errands, take naps, go to the gym, or take Grandma places, without having to sacrifice my entire evening to do so. 

4. I like being able to follow my favorite TV shows, NCIS and Grey's Anatomy on a regular basis. Even if I plan things and am busy when they are originally aired on TV, I always have at least an hour throughout the week to catch up with them online.

5. I like not having to stress about where my next meal is going to come from, how I am going to pay rent this month, or whether or not my grades are going to be high enough for my scholarships.

6. As a cashier at Home Depot, I love it when one of my customers or coworkers proves that chivalry and politeness are not dead. Even the littlest thing like telling me to have a good day before I say it to them, or a genuine thank you, or flipping over all the lumber and heavy bags of concrete mix for their tags are the right side up give me hope that not all guys are jerks. (I don't mean to pick on the gents, but they are 90% of who I interact with at work.)

7. I like being able to schedule dinners, coffee dates, study time, mall trips, nights out, wine & movie nights, and spur of the moment things with my family and friends that don't have to be weeks and weeks in advance.

8. I like driving my car on a regular basis. (The Focus, not the crap car without heat.) I LOVE that little car, and it's been through so much with me. Sometimes when I am having a bad day, just getting into that car with the radio or a good CD is enough to make everything okay again.

9. I LOVE going to gym. Even if I haven't done anything else that entire day, as soon as I hit 900 calories or 6.5 miles or 60 minutes on the elliptical, I know that the day has not been a waste. And when I can push myself to a higher weight or add another 10 reps to my arm or ab routine, I feel like a rock star. Even waking up the next morning to sore muscles in places I didn't even think I had muscles is motivating.

10. I LOVE going to my Spanish classes. Even on the most boring day, I feel accomplished and intelligent and excited about what I have thus far achieved and have planned for my life. It makes me actually turn my brain on and think. It challenges me to push myself to learn more than what is necessary to pass the class. And when I start to go crazy when we review the same grammar structures for the 3rd time, I can always commiserate with my Spanish class buddy.

Now, if I could just read this to myself every day for the next 85 days...


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