New Adventure, Familiar Feelings


I am reviving my blog as I begin a new adventure. But first, some housekeeping.

1. The Central America Travel log is not lost! Although three months of stories are missing, I have them written down elsewhere. Someday when my academic survival doesn't rely on weekly readings and papers, I will have time to blog for enjoyment again.

2. I also went to Cambodia and Vietnman and didn't blog it. Photos and stories are stored for safekeeping, I promise!

3. If you were an avid blog reader before, you may notice some pages from the site are missing. They reflect a person in transition. A woman who has finished her full-time life in one country and is still working out who she is in another. I took them down to do some hard-core reconstruction work. Ya know, with all my free time.

So here we are. On the eve of another adventure. The nervous/excited rush feels both nostalgic and new. Where are we going this time? Why?

The answer is Arusha, Tanzania. For the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute on missiology. It's just three weeks this time, not three years!

For more visual learners, I am going here:

Mount Meru is a dormant stratovolcano located 70 kilometres
west of Mount Kilimanjaro in the country of Tanzania.

To learn about and debate how we do this:

What kind of mission work should the global church be doing?
How should we be doing it?
White Girl Saves Brown Babies. Again.
*Uncomfortable Squirm*
Are we doing good?
Are we doing harm?

I am one of 120 delegates invited to this program hosted by the World Council of Churches. My colleagues and I were all chosen because we represent the emerging leadership of the global church.

My colleagues hail from: Togo, Germany, Pakistan, Kenya, Mexico, Brazil, Lebanon, Trinidad and Tobago, Puerto Rico, Romania, Norway, Ghana, Greece, the US, Morocco, New Zealand, Cameroon, Denmark, Uganda, Rwanda, India, Jamaica, Indonesia, China, South Africa, Armenia, Korea, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Egypt, Finland, Sweden, Nigeria, Sudan, Costa Rica, Finland, Japan, Switzerland, Belarus, and Philippines.

Together we represent many different Christian traditions: Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Reformed, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Post Denominational, Baptist, Congregational, United and Uniting, Evangelical, Assyrian, Disciples of Christ, Mennonite, and general "Protestant".

Stay tuned for stories about how this adventure shakes out.


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