I'm Going to Tanzania to Talk About Sex. And Poop.

Even a Luddite can master click bait. But seriously, my application essay for GETI was about sex and poop. Or rather, the stigmatization of these issues. Here it is: What do sex and defecation have in common? They are normal human behaviors, equally necessary for human survival. Each is responsible for transmitting disease in every country around the world. Despite their universal importance and threat to human life, both are often too stigmatized and shameful for frank, honest discussion in the global Church. For millions, this silence means death. I spent over three years living and working with indigenous groups in Panama focused on the HIV/AIDS and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) crises. We built latrines together, repaired water systems, practiced community conflict resolution, and discussed safe sex practices. I saw what it looks like when community-based interventions succeed and I wrestled with the dozens of reasons why they do not. It became clear tha...