Crossing the Isthmus

Day 9- August 15, 2015

Up at 6, we ate quickly and were in the bus terminal at 8. Disappointed to find there was no daytime direct bus to Bocas, we settled for the longer Panama-David-Changuinola route. After 11 hours on a bus, the last 5 of which were incredibly trying due to an over packed bus going through mountain passes, we collapsed into beds at the Volunteer house of Chang just before midnight. Ben felt sick, I was exhausted, and it was raining. 

On the way, we finalized our travel adventures wish list. Adventures should include, but are not limited to:

    Scuba Diving
    Tequila Night in Mexico
    Visit at least 1 PCV per country
    Climb an Active Volcano
    Cliff Jumping
    See Aztec Ruins
    See Mayan Ruins
    Swim in Lake Nicaragua
    Artisan Markets
    Art Museums
    Theatre & Concerts
    See a Jaguar
    Ride Sea Turtles
    More Scuba Diving
    Visit a Brewery
    Get Lost in the Jungle & Survive by our Wits
    Kick it with the ‘Gente’

Looks like a good start.

Today I'm grateful my entire life fits into one backpack!

Distance Traveled Today: 647 km
Total Distance Traveled: 887 km


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