Happy Halloween!

I have never missed a month when it comes to updating my blog, but October almost got away from me. With just 12 hours left in the month, let's see if I can get this in just under the wire.

Normally I write out a post in my journal by hand while sitting in site, type it up the next time I have use of a computer or feel particularly motivated to hack it out on my tablet, and then save it to the USB to upload to the internet on my next trip to the internet cafe.

October was busy, so the hammock sitting, writing out the post never happened. So here I am at the internet already, skipping steps 1-3 and feeling a little rushed about it, haha.

From September 23 to October 5th we built 5 latrines from 8am to late afternoon, every day. Those 5 latrines are currently in use and the next 5 latrine owners have their materials ready to go so that we can begin building again as soon as the hardware store sobers up after celebrating the country's Independence Day this weekend.

My women LOVE our monthly meetings, and this month we talked about self esteem and resources. Goal setting got pushed back to November, when we are also going to talk about HIV-AIDS and do a recycled jewelry seminar.

I have managed to run 5 ultimate frisbee practices, and there are 15 kids that have consistantly showed up to every Sunday afternoon practice. They just started working on their applications to frisbee camp in Febraury. If you want to help us fund their camp and send them to a week of fun, frisbee, friendships, and learning about future planning, go here!


I went to the Panama-US soccer game a few weeks ago, and helped a friend celebrate her birthday by carving squash and watching Hocus Pocus. That movie is so wonderful.

I planned on carving a squash and teaching my kindergarteners how to say 'trick or treat' at the school today, but I am instead in Panama with a stomach illness. They finally gave me antibiotics today and the jungle fever went away a few days ago so I shouild be on the mend, and I am headed back to the Darien later this afternoon.

I apologize that this post is not more exciting, but I have a 7 hour bus trip pending. I'll use some of the many, many rainy days of November to get you better stories next month!

I wish you all safe and happy Halloweens, and GO BIG RED!


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