Feedback for Congreso General Extraordinario

First of all, what it is...

The Comarca decided they were unhappy with their current Casique (the tribal leader of the reservation) so they asked/forced him to resign, and chose to elect another. There was much disagreement about which community would host the election, and 2 congresos were planned. One for Marranganti, where the old government said they were going, and one in El Salto, where the majority of the community leaders wanted to go. My community attended the one in El Salto, so I did too.

How the Embera Vote- They call an election, see who shows up, and then pick candidates from those present to run for Casique. Then all of those not running for Casique get in line behind their candidate to vote for him. (It could be a her, I guess, but let’s face it, that’s not going to happen for awhile.) The candidate with the most people in line wins. I guess they don’t have to worry about hanging chads I suppose.

Things They Did WELL-
*Well-decorated meeting hall. The jaguar skin was a nice touch.
*Free transport, housing, and food.
*All meal breaks were taken on time.
*The cultural dances by the teenage girls were well performed.
*The stocks for rule breakers (like those who spoke to members of the opposite sex during the meeting) looked intimidating.
*There were plenty of benches to sit on.
*Prohibition of alcohol until after the meeting was appreciated and effective.
*There were lots of volunteer law enforcers (called zarra).
*It was a very interesting voting process

Things That Could be IMPROVED-
*Stop bickering between regions and agree on ONE community to host the election in, rather than spending 2 months fighting and eventually hosting 2, one of which will eventually have to be declared void. (And thousands of dollars that will have been spent needlessly.)
*Skip the 3 hour explanation of why we are here. We know. We came.
*Skip the impeachment of the Casique after we already knew he was resigning.
*Sitting on boards for 9 hours without backs was tiring.
*Train the zarra how to do their job before they actually have to do it. Before they mess up the count in the election because they don’t know how to do their jobs.
*Choose the candidates and verify their qualifications before the day of the election.
*Speak a common language for all participants. The Wounaan don’t understand Embera. Neither do the gringos.
*The zarra didn’t do a very good job at keeping a certain gringa in line. She was late to the meeting twice, spent most of the meeting talking to members of the opposite sex, and might have fallen asleep once. All of those are valid reasons to get thrown in the zepo (stocks), just sayin’.

OVERALL- 3 out of 5 stars


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