Final Funding Countdown...6 Days and $292 to Go!

I am going to keep this one nice and short, and directly to the point.

Peace Corps called me today to tell me (in Spanish, so I am only 95% sure that I was understanding her correctly, as it was a shocking thing to hear, but I did make her repeat it 3 times to be sure!) that Peace Corps Global Funds wanted to help me with the funding for my project, but the most they could put towards my project was $2,000 so at this moment they could not help me...


If I got the amount I needed under $2,000 by next week they would donate the rest. SO.

I NEED $292.00!!!!

If thirty people can give me $10, I am there. If 15 people can give me $20, we are there.

At this point next week, MY PROJECT COULD BE FUNDED!

Two days ago I was sitting in my site, commiserating with another PCV about how I was likely going to be spending the rest of 2013, if not the rest of my service, looking for funding for my families. Today, everything changed with that one little phone call.

In the next 6 days, we can help change the lives of 15 families.


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