Important Life Lessons for Life in the Jungle and Beyond

1. As mentioned in the previous post, most importantly, Find the Love.
2. Don't assume anything. Expect nothing. Don't just lower the bar, dig a trench and bury it. That way you are always pleasantly surprised when things work out better!
3. Seize the moment. When you go down the river to bathe and an 8 year old girl asks you to help her and her grandmother skin a crocodile, say yes. It doesn't matter that it wasn't in your plans, that is an epic opportunity for bragging rights!
4. Be as weird as you have to be. It doesn't matter what other people think, do what you need to get through the day. Spend half your living allowance on phone cards or keep a poop log so you feel confident you don't have worms. If it helps you sleep at night, go for it. Just maybe keep that log to yourself.
5. Say the important stuff in phone calls first. You never kniw when the signal will drop, the battery will die, or the minutes will run out!
6. Smile every time you turn on a faucet and clean water comes out. It is a miracle. And then turn it off right away so as not to waste that miracle!
7. Never bite into a piece of fish larger than a fingerprint or you'll probably choke on the bones.
8. Listen to your instincts. They are wicked smart.
9. When your instincts don't know, ask your host mom. She's a genius.
10. Get up early. Just do it.
11. A hug from a kid can cure anything. And give you lice.
12. When in doubt, be more ridiculous. You're weird already, just own it.
13. A lot is a small price to pay for sanity.
14. Moderation is for cowards. Wanna make those 12 candy canes last 12 days? Not gonna happen. The heat and bugs will have detroyed them by day 4 anyway. Eat all 12 today and enjoy it. You know you wanted to do that anyway.
15. Remind yourself every day that what we are doing is hard. That even the smallest successes, like getting yourself fed and bathed and not dehydrated between sunrise and sunset, are great accomplishments!
16. Be forgiving of everyone around you because they don't know what they are doing any more than you do.
17. It is all about the little things. Having both butt cheeks on the seat for the trip to Panama, a fresh tomato, a slight breeze, can each be the difference between misery and delight.
18. Pay attention to details and be aware of your surroundings.
19. Never trust a monkey.
20. Keep your machete sharp.


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