Shock, Awe, and Gratitude

There are no words to express how exciting it was to open my donations page this morning and see that in the last three days we have made over $1000 for my project! I cannot wait to go home this afternoon and share with my community the good news!

Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated. It is easy to feel like I am working on this alone out here in the jungle sometimes, but it is moments like these that remind me that is in fact never the case. There are so many wonderful people supporting me every day of this adventure with their thoughts, prayers, emails, and pocketbooks. I couldn't do this without you. Thank you.

We are nearly halfway there, but if you haven't had a chance to share this or donate yet, do not fret! We still need $3,297 and the ever elusive link to my project is right here!

Thank you so much for making my day, I hope you have a fantastic week.

Peace, Love, and Gaff Tape.


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