So Many Stories, So Little Time

Hey everyone! I am finishing up what has been an awesome mental health weekend for me in Panama City- Seeing a Husker Game on TV, seeing The Dark Knight Rises, skyping and/or phone calling so many friends and family, and eating a lot of American food. Or at least food that is not rice, plaintains, or boiled bananas!

Tomorrow it is back out to site and an attempt to make the Panamanian mail system send things for me. Fingers crossed!

This past month has been lots of things, and while I hate writing these narrative, summary posts rather than telling stories, I am afraid that my to do list is still a little longer than I would like and the number of hours I have left with the internet is drastically dwindling. So, to highlight the many pages of journaling that have happened since last we left our hero:

One day I found this quote in my address book that made my Monday morning totally awesome:

'You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world.' -Woodrow Wilson

Not a bad way to start off a week in the jungle.

My best friend is 3 years old and is named Feli. (fay lee) He is a holy terror but is the one person that absolutely always treats me like his playmate first and the white girl second. If only we could all hold on to that.

I brought 'Feel like a Girl Fridays' back to the campo. It means dressing up just a little bit to make yourself feel pretty. Or at least less grungy, even if you can´t shake the campo funk your clothes and hair have acquired. These started at the Santa Fe Opera a few years back and sometimes are just the thing I need to help make Friday feel a little bit more like Friday and less like any other day of the week.

I was the team captain of a women's soccer team. I have a blog post coming about that sometime.

Friday nights are the worst time for homesickness.

Our parade of the drumline and my mallet player went really well!!

I can wash clothes by hand like a boss. My host mom has high standards for me, and will make me redo them if they aren't clean enough.

I helped my previous Volunteer write the grant we are submitting to USAID to fund the project. We will know in the next few weeks if we got it.

My host family is absolutely amazing and wonderful and awesome. But I am SO READY to move out into my own house. October 9th, ready go.

Ok. I am mostly ailment and illness free. I have consumed diet coke, apples, TOAST (i freaking love toast right now), pizza, ice cream, margaritas, thai food, US beers, an omelette, pesto, wine,. more toast, tortellini, carrots, hummus, chips and salsa, pancakes and scrambled eggs, and yogurt. I have taken 3 hot showers, gone to a bookstore, and put on makeup, TWICE. I stayed up late, past 8pm. And today my body even let me sleep in until 9.

Tommorrow, up at 6am to head back out the jungle. Starting to get the hang of life as a Peace Corps Volunteer.


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