Things One Could Send

*I am posting this because I have received several inquiries about what I would like sent in a care package. Postage from the US to Panama is very expensive so I have no expectations. Letters are always great, and pretty cheap. However, I do miss/want/need...

Mosquito repelling coils
REPEL bug spray with Picaridin (my parents found it, its awesome)
Photos of my friends, family, childhood, and US places to put on my walls
Hand sanitizer
Tennis balls
US Snacks- applesauce, peanut butter, oreos, pudding cups, cheeze its, banana chips, trail mix, popcorn, nuts, wheat thins, jolly ranchers, dried fruit, fruit snacks, etc.
Crystal Lite & Kool aid & propel & gatorade powders
Movies and TV shows on SD cards or flash drives, or in my email. (I'll watch just about anything in English)

Don't forget to include a list of everything inside so that I know I got everything, and check out my contact me page for details on how to get that stuff to me! <3


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