In Panama!!!

I'm am currently writing from the lovely country of Panama, and it is totally surreal. If I was less of a zombie and capable of feeling emotions other tired I would be totally freaking out excited right now. To sum up the last 72 hours, I packed like crazy, finished a paper for my Spanish class, spent some time with the family, and then all of a sudden it was time to go.

Staging in DC was a tired blur of new faces, new names, and sitting at a table in a hotel conference room talking about Peace Corps' goals and expectations. After that a group of us went out the get pizza and beer in Georgetown and I got back to my room to take a nap about 9pm. After a 2.5 hr nap I got up at 11.30 to call a few friends and the fam before I had to shower, check out, and round up my group (I ended up a group leader to help wrangle the 51 peace corps trainees from the hotel to the airport to panama, and was responsible for EVERYONE's passports, visas, and plane tickets for awhile)

Chaos ensued, herding cats was had and eventually, we all made it to Panama. Other the other volunteers are very cool and I can't wait to get to know them more over the next few weeks. Sidenote: There is another theatre technician (a carp/electrician) who plays the ukelele, and also a guy from Omaha who took the same Spanish classes as I with Sr. Badillo, only once quarter ahead of the ones I took. The world really is small.

Pics coming soon. I haven't figured out the phone thing yet, so it is internet for now. I will be here with internet, electricity, and clean drinkable running water until Sunday morning, when I will move to Santa Rita, where we will also defs have clean water. This is what I know thus far.

ALSO, to rewrite the post I tried to put up twice this morning when the Reagan Airport Internet failed, THANK YOU.

Over the last 29 months I have been applying for the Peace Corps, jumping through hoops, getting recomendations, and cheering me on. While I am the only one actually in Panama, you guys are just as important parts of this adventure as well. Your unconditional love and  support and phone calls when I was worried or frustrated or freaking out


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