Treading Water

It's been awhile, so I decided to post, even though not much new has happened in my life on the PC front. I've caught the winter doldrums and have had a rough past week or two. A lot of my friends are off 'living the dream' of doing theatre work in big cities like New York and Chicago, and well, I am jealous. I knew by doing PC I was sacrificing a lot of time getting my foot in the door and establishing myself as a theatre professional, I just didn't realize how MUCH time it would mean I would be sitting around just WAITING. Anyone who knows me knows that sitting around and waiting are NOT my strong suits. Unfortunately, I take my frustration out my parents, who are graciously letting me live rent-free with them during this whole process...but they're still parents, and after 4 years of living on my own, it drives me crazy.

My life consists of rocking the Home Depot from 5:45am-2:45pm M-F, and all that that entails, going to the gym 3-4 times a week, and Spanish class from 4-6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Spanish class is, hands down, my favorite part of the week. It is the only time I feel like I am actually accomplishing something with my life and actually DOING anything. And I feel like I am making real progress, although the last two weeks it seems to have plateaued, I am ahead of most of the rest of the class and there are a few students that just really aren't keeping up, so we spend a lot of time re-reviewing. It's frustrating for me because I know how valuable every minute in class is going to be in just a short time, but I tend to space out because I get bored. I am hoping to be able to take the next Spanish class, Conversations in Spanish, because by definition of the class, it is exactly how I need to be spending a significant portion of my time before my departure- having conversations. In Spanish. (whoa, crazy, I know). However, it is from 12-2 T/R and that's going to totally mess up my HD schedule, which may mean that I lose my full time position. Which would be sad for the paycheck. And would put me back on working weekends. Ew.

In other news, I am scenic designing Legally Blonde the Musical for Grand Island Northwest High School and have hand drafted all the pieces, and am currently about 1/2 through the paint elevations. Doing all of this by hand is rough, but it keeps me busy and the busier I am, the better. It's all about staying busy at this point.

In PC world, I need to get a Yellow Fever Vaccine in the next couple weeks and send in that paperwork, and then just do a basic organization of my PC paperwork in general. It's all sort of a hott mess with the two sets of invitation paperwork, cost-share reimbursement documents, etc.

For now, I tackle one day at a time, remind myself how important this is to me, and try to enjoy every minute with my friends and family...even when they make me crazy.

92 days.


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