The Break-Up

So...I'm not going to Honduras.


Recently a Volunteer was injured there when some gunmen robbed her bus and one of the other men on the bus also had a gun and decided he wasn't going to be robbed, and a firefight broke out. She was shot in the leg, but is going to be fine.

But because of the incident, and many other security issues, my training class was cancelled. So all 40 some of us headed to Honduras in February are suddenly...not going.

The blog above is the ONLY thing I have been able to find online discussing the incident. Way to go, news. Way to go, Peace Corps.

It sorta feels like getting broken up with by the guy you knew wasn't right for you anyway. Disappointing, but you know it is for the better. Even if it does suck right now. Honduras IS the most dangerous country in the world that is not at war. So...there's that.

I meet with the Placement Officer next week to see what other options there are for me and other countries I could be going to. The Honduras Desk Officer I spoke with today assured me that Peace Corps WANTS me to be a Volunteer still, and that we are all at the top of the list for placement. But 40 people at the top of the list is a lot of people still not really at the top. And since the budget cuts keep coming, it is entirely possible that it may be several months before I know anything.

We're back to that being patient thing. But with patience comes hope. And I still have hope.


  1. I just came across your blog! Same thing happened to me yesterday. I was supposed to be headed to Guatemala January 3rd (in 2.5 weeks). Quit both of my jobs, gave up my apartment, spent my saving on a Europe trip that I just returned from...and am suddenly NOT going. It's frustrating 'cause I don't know if I should find a job, find a place..and I need money to pay loans and bills. So, there's another 40 trainees to add to the "top" of the list! I am meeting with a placement office on Monday. Hopefully I'll get some more concrete answers.


    took CNN long enough.


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