All of the Things

I got back from Santa Fe in September, and other than filling out half a dozen job applications, didn't really do anything from sleep. Woke up sometimes just in time to get to my 4pm Spanish class. And those were my busy days.

Then October happened and I finally got hired, was the maid of honor for the wonderful wedding of Rachel & Kevin, and things really started happening on the Peace Corps front. The last week of the month I was qualified for service and ran off to Chicago to party with the cool kids there.

Then November HAPPENED. I swear I was in Chicago day before yesterday and I opened my letter last night. But that was 2 weeks ago already. I'm in the midst of my 4th 40hr week which is nothing compared to what I did last summer but with spanish class (my final is this week!!), packing up my life for long term storage, family life, an attempt at a social life, and regular gym workouts, I find myself needing that planner again to keep myself on track and my PC paperwork is lagging. It's SO HARD to get to the post office to get this passport stuff done with my current work schedule. Oy vey. Going to make another attempt tomorrow after I get off of work at 3pm. I also really need to get that aspiration statement & resume sent to the Honduras office but studying for Spanish is a more pressing (and just as important!) issue.

In my life, I am consistently doing all of the things, or none of the things. But who here is actually surprised?


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