Officially Qualified for Service!

I got a phone call today from the Peace Corps Placement Officer to schedule my Final Interview. Because I am working a LOT for the next 5 days, he asked if we could do it right then. At my momentary hesitation (read: PANIC) he offered to call back in half an hour. So I agreed to that and then spent 30 mins running around my parents house trying to eat breakfast to calm myself down, texting my friends and brother, and downing caffeine to try to get myself focused. (I'd been awake for all of 15 minutes or so when I got the call, could you tell?)

After the 35 minute interview, pretty similar to my first PC interview, only about 1/4 as long, he told me I WAS QUALIFIED FOR SERVICE and that I would be working in Water & Sanitation in Central or South America with potential departure dates ranging from Jan 01-March 31. I will get an email in a week or so confirming the specific month, and then a few days after the email should get a packet in the mail with THE COUNTRY and THE ACTUAL DATE.

Look out, mailbox. It's about to get ugly. :P


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