'Hold please.'

Welcome to my Peace Corps Blog. I began this adventure by starting my application over Thanksgiving Break of my junior year. At the time, I was not sure that I really wanted to do PC, but knew it couldn't hurt to start applying and see where that took me. Two years later, I have fingerprints on file with the FBI, have filled out stupidly large amounts of paperwork, spent a semester tutoring ELL Kindergarteners, braved a snow storm and then hid in a light booth to do my 2 hr Skype interview, arranged doctor's appointments in Santa Fe while working 60 hours a week, am now taking Spanish classes at Metro Comm. College, and will be getting my passport in the next few weeks.

All of this, and I don't even know where I am going yet. I got a notification on Friday that says my file is currently under review. Hopefully that means I will get an official assignment soon. Last May I was nominated for South America starting in February working in Rural Health, specifically Water Systems & Sanitation. This means helping to design & implement water systems for places without running water, teaching about the importance of good hygiene & clean water, and creating programs for sustainability.

So for now, I wait. And do Spanish homework.


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