On August 28, 2011 I closed my last show with the Santa Fe Opera, and I have not been working in theatre since. For the last 3 years, I have been a Peace Corps Volunteer working within the extremely remote, impoverished indigenous reservations of Panama to improve personal and community health through education and infrastructure. The work is hard, trying to convince an illiterate population that invisible bacteria will make you sick or mixing concrete in the tropical heat. At eight degrees off the equator, the sun is a whole different ball game. I've had my fair share of jungle illnesses and injuries. Yet for all the sweat and other unmentionable bodily fluids, I've loved every minute of it. Building relationships with community members, kids, and being adopted into another culture is an experience unlike any other. For every 1 thing I managed to teach them, they have imparted at least 10 things to me. Pretty regularly our hammock conversations come around to, Amber,...