If You Don't Like Something, CHANGE IT. If You Can't Change it, Change Your ATTITUDE.
Maya Angelou said it first. But Brandon Valentine said it most. Let me Tell You About Brandon. Leaving for Peace Corps was the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. After 48 hours of basically no sleep, being overwhelmed with facts about Panama and general security procedures, dealing with staging in Washington DC, I was greeted in Panama by this warm, enthusiastic smile at the Panama City airport. Brandon was the first person I met in Panama. I was almost deliriously sleepy, and emotional train wreck, and in complete state of shock at the time. We had just arrived at the training compound for our introductory first few days in country. At the end of his welcoming and logistical spiel, I approached Brandon. I had an envelope of documents our staging coordinator had asked me to hand off to him. He thanked me profusely for handing him the envelope and asked me my name. I told him, and he replied, 'So you're my other Nebraskan!' and told me that he had g...